The only mail you need to get better at YouTube

Everyone steals ideas.

That shot you saw in the movie, that idea you heard somewhere, that product that solves a problem, even this newsletter.

Most creators draw inspiration from which they create something new.

There is no shame in that.

So, here are some Viral YouTube titles, thumbnails, and Instagram reels from which you can take inspiration.

Title framework: The only [entity] you need to get [desired result]

Why this works:

  1. desire — most people would love to get better at things they are working on.
  2. target audience — the video targets a broader audience by showing the desired result as “get better at anything“, anyone can watch this video. So in your videos think of how you can make them a bit broader so you can reach more viewers.
  3. curiosity — words like “only book“create an open loop making us think about what is so special about this book.
  4. thumbnail — the thumbnail compliments the title by showing the book prominently and the notes that he has added on the books show that he has read the book and the information would be credible.

Examples of titles:

  1. The only book you need to get rich in 2024
  2. The only skill you need to get hired by Google
  3. The only camera you need to take professional portraits
  4. The only mail you need to get better at YouTube

Title framework: X [topic] Mistakes You’re Probably Making.

Why this works:

  1. negative — nobody wants to make mistakes while they are working on things.
  2. lists — as this video is a list-based video people know exactly what they will be getting once they click on the video
  3. counter-intuitive — the thumbnail shows a usual and well-known way of watering but presents it as a mistake, this is intriguing and makes the viewer curious.

I think he could have made the thumbnail a bit better if there was a bit more contrast between the watering pipe and the background.

Examples of titles:

  1. 7 Investing Mistakes You’re Probably Making
  2. 12 Designing Mistakes You’re Probably Making
  3. 5 Shading Mistakes You’re Probably Making
  4. 10 NEET Preparation Mistakes You’re Probably Making

Give me 60 seconds I will help you grow on Instagram

Here is an analysis of an Instagram reel that got my attention some weeks back. Do me a favor and watch the above video and come back to read further (please don’t get lost in scrolling I share some important tips below).

Hook Frame work: Give me X seconds and I will [what you offer with the content]

Why does this hook work?

An experiment was done in Japan (I don’t remember the country exactly, but that is not the point).

In the metros, they showed how much time they would have to wait until the next train arrived.

The result was that when passengers know the exact wait time, they are more relaxed and patient, as opposed to when they don’t know about the arrival time.

The point of the experiment is that if you give people real-time information they tend to feel like they have more control over it and respond well.

That is why a hook like this, which explains what they will get with the exact time in which they will get it, works

Here are some more reasons why this reel got 2.2 million views.

novel ideas — I have seen a lot of videos like this but this video seems to stand out because it offers a fresher perspective from the creator.

I have not seen someone explain the concept by explaining the part of the human brain (AMC) responsible for these behaviors.

New ideas and fresh perspectives can help in video retention.

dynamic video — the creators show a lot of clips (visual variety) in their videos making the video more dynamic. This too helps in retention.

There is also a unique style of editing, he breaks the rhythm of the video with a blank screen and a caption when he reveals something important.

series videos — the video is a part of a series the creator is doing.

When one video goes viral from that series people are more likely to check out other videos from the channel and even follow the creator for more.

That is it for this week, if you found this helpful, here is the previous letter.

Or check out all my letters from here. See you next Monday, God willing.

– Sayar

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