Monday Snippets #3

Everyone steals ideas.

That shot you saw in the movie, that idea you heard somewhere, that product that solves a problem, even this newsletter.

Most creators draw inspiration from which they create something new.

There is no shame in that.

So, here are some Viral YouTube title , thumbnail and Instagram reel that you can take inspirations from.

How to edit SO good your viewers get addicted to your videos

Title framework: How to [activity] SO good [desired result]

Why this works:

  1. curiosity — what is that editing technique that they are gonna reveal?

Title creates curiosity but thumbnail enhances it by highlighting some sequences in blue colour.

  1. desire — Title is based on an immediate benefit that the viewer is going to get that fulfils their desire (to get more viewers/edit better).

People also has a great desire to improve themselves and that is why this title also works.

  1. Simple Thumbnail — Thumbnail is simple with minimal text

the choice of colours like black, blue and red creates a great contrast and gets the attention of people.

Examples of title:

  1. How to Study SO Good You Ace Every Exam
  2. How to Code SO Good You Land Your Dream Tech Job
  3. How to Sell SO Good they can’t say no
  4. How to dress up SO Good he can’t look away from you

“A day in life of a engineering student”

Now let’s look at an Instagram reel:

Hook framework: The Bait

Baiting the viewer with some thing satisfying or sexy and delivery your content on top of it

In this video he changed the colour of his shirt with some excellent editing.

Reason to Watch: A day in the life of an engineering student

The reel starts to setup the story by introducing the character, his goals and problems.

This is an example of great story telling


He uses humour as a patter breaker so that video doesn’t go monotonous. There is some fun in it rather than just going through someone’s boring day.

Brilliant Fast Paced editing:

The man who made this is an editing genius. There is a cut every 2-3 seconds to keep us engaged.

You don’t need to be an editing genius to make videos like this you need

  • good clips
  • music that goes with the tone of the video – can have multiple music for multiple sections
  • a story to tell

That is it for this week, if you found this helpful, here is the previous letter.


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